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Monday, December 22, 2003

why this? why now?

As the poster child for A.D.D., I have often marveled at my brain's ability to come up with the wittiest observations and snappiest retorts...minutes, hours, or even days after they have ceased to be even remotely relevant. Worse yet...with most of my family and friends half a world away, I usually get the urge to 'chew the fat' well after most of the western world has gone to bed. Naturally, by the time the sun peeks over North America, my muse has taken a powder.

Therefore, I was amazed to discover that there exists a word that neatly sums up my tardy parries and belated ripostes: treppenwitz.

The English language has no handy word for what the Germans know as treppenwitz: literally, the "wit of the staircase," - those clever remarks or cutting rejoinders that only come to mind once it's too late to deliver them (as one is headed down the stairs and out of the house). *

Now that I had a name for my particular malady...it was only a matter of time before I applied the concept to the A.D.D. sufferer's best friend: The Weblog. With the birth of this 'blog, my muse (who seems to travel with neither watch nor bus fare) will be free to dispense inspiration according to its own schedule, and I can share my thoughts, dreams and experiences with more than an empty stairwell.

Stay tuned for family updates, political ramblings, and of course...frequent photo album additions.

Well, here we go: "Tap, tap, tap...is this thing on?"

* Thanks to Snopes for the working definition I have paraphrased here.

Posted by David Bogner on December 22, 2003 | Permalink


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Always a pleasure to get a glimpse of what's happening by you guys.


Enjoy the rest of Chanukah.

Zevy & Malka

Posted by: Zevy | Dec 23, 2003 7:11:26 PM

A belated congrats on the new addition to the family... my best to all.

You may be far from the rest of us at Neshoma Orchestra in terms of physical miles, but not in terms of bandstand legend and lore...

And now there's a place where those of us in the horn section can say not "do you remember when Bogie...etc...etc," but rather "did you see what Bogie said he's up to now...?" All under the glare of a frantic subleader trying to signal the next tune...

Will check back here often.... Mike S

Posted by: Mike Spengler | Dec 23, 2003 8:52:27 PM

Nice job, Dave, but this does NOT entitle you to get out of writing to your family... got it????!!!

Now that you have a site, though, start snapping more pictures... Yonah changes daily, I'm sure and you have lovely assitants in Ari & Gilad to hold him, so start snapping!!!!

Happy Chanukah and we miss you here in Fairfield, CT - Val, Gail, Kim & Sophie

Posted by: Val | Dec 24, 2003 1:46:31 AM

Wonderful idea! My only complaint: With only a few comments from those few who know about this site, it's already clugered and takes time to schlog through the blog. What happens when the whole family and those hordes of your friends begin to chip in??? It could take all morning (or evening) just to keep up with the new stuff! This is progress?
Also, what do you call a hug and a kiss via a blog? a 'blug' or a 'bliss'?
These are serious questions demanding serious answers.
Love, Dad

Posted by: Dad | Dec 24, 2003 3:49:06 AM

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