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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Another Pina Chama Update
As of Saturday Night, the donations received here on the site now total $3,006.50 almost $4000 USD (not counting checks that people have promised to send in). Keep up the good work people... we're about 1/3 of the way there!!!
So once again, here's your chance... take a few seconds and help set a bad thing right. Send your donations to:
The Pina Chama
8/2 Rechov Haziporen
Efrat, 90435
Or click here:
The honor Roll so far (not including the anonymous donors):
The Eastmans
Josh Weinstein
Russ Gold
Gershon Dubin
Michael Harbater
Shlomo Argamon
Alice Jonsson
yonah lloyd
Elan Rieser
VV Ramras
Judy Keiner
Jane Hartman
Abby Breitstein
Janet Fuchs
Andrew Cooper
Elliot Ganz
Karl Newman
Andy Lang
Maya Sprague
Sarah Schwartz
Redsugar muse
Devri Ehrlich
Michael Gartenberg
Ilana Marcus
Jesse Kelber (x2)
The Adlers
Meyer Halpern
Mark G Jorgensen
Alex Schajer
Johnny <3 :-)
Rebecca Landes
randall wolf
Paula Riemer
lewis wienerkur
Steve Bogner
Beatrice Brecher
Raz & Debra Haramati
Selvin Family
Yaron Steinbuch
Ben Niderberg
Hili Hamer
Josh Nachtigal
Barry Farkas
Val Bogner
Ken McDonald
Barry Weiss
Marcy Zwecker
Daniel Hensley
Dan Matkowsky
Dvora Matkowsky
Matthew "Jethro" Thull
Dina Saenz
Peter BienzeislerThank you again to everyone who has participated in this important project.
Posted by David Bogner on October 3, 2007 | Permalink
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Hi David,
Would you please E-mail me so we can discuss the best way in which I can make a donation?
Posted by: Maksim-Smelchak. | Oct 3, 2007 10:20:26 PM
I cannot believe you managed to mispell my name. It's Russ - not Ross
Posted by: Russ Gold | Oct 8, 2007 2:01:08 AM
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