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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Another cell Phone Saga

My mobile phone has been acting hinky for a few weeks, so I finally took it in to be looked at.  The nice folks at Celcom were nice enough to give me a new phone and even transferred all my numbers and messages over without having to be asked.

Unfortunately, I didn't realize that my ring-tones hadn't made the transition until I was almost home and my phone rang.


I've had the waltz from Amelie as my ring-tone for years now, and although I tried several of the pre-loaded ring-tones, nothing else felt right.  In fact I kept getting cold stares from people when I didn't answer my phone.  The truth is, I didn't realize it was my phone ringing!

So last night I went hunting for ring-tones on one of the free sites.  I found several good versions of Amelie and put them on my phone.  But while I was there I went a little crazy and downloaded half he Beatles songs ever written, Sweet Home Alabama and the intro to Freebird.

But I think the one that will probably get me thrown out of the house is this one:

You'll find it listed under 'Tunak' (thanks again Jack).

Posted by David Bogner on September 9, 2008 | Permalink


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Well, the post started out normal enough, but then... that video!! What was that????

(I would love to know how to download stuff onto my cellphone. I am so limited technologically! Y, my daughter (the one who is in the same class as your daughter), is constantly telling me that she could do so many more cool things with my phone than I ever do. Unfortunately, it's true. But I'm still not giving her my phone...)

Posted by: Rivka with a capital A | Sep 9, 2008 12:33:04 AM

I am always happy to help.

Posted by: Jack | Sep 9, 2008 5:22:18 AM

I see your "Tunak" and I raise you a "Vonage".


Posted by: What War Zone??? | Sep 9, 2008 7:03:43 AM

I see your "Tunak" and I raise you a "Vonage".


Posted by: What War Zone??? | Sep 9, 2008 7:04:05 AM

I see your "Tunak" and I raise you a "Vonage".


Posted by: What War Zone??? | Sep 9, 2008 7:04:08 AM

Has Zahava heard this yet? Oy!

Posted by: aliyah06 | Sep 9, 2008 7:07:54 AM

Uh Trep? Try teaching a bible class and then have your phone go off (dang it!) and the tune is Austin Powers.

It got a nervous laugh...and now I religiously (pun intended) remember to set it to vibrate before sitting down with my students.

"liquid hot MAAAG MA!"

Posted by: Maya | Sep 9, 2008 9:10:40 AM

ahhhhh... sweet home alabama. lovin' that!

Posted by: nikki | Sep 9, 2008 11:29:29 AM

We have some weddings coming up - where can I/my wife find those *divine* tunic-n-turban sets?

They seem to hide multitude of sins - from baldspot to belly...

Posted by: Ben-David | Sep 9, 2008 12:04:12 PM

Since Maya opened the door - a few years ago, I accidentally left my phone on during a wedding ceremony. I was singing under the chupa, all eyes were on me, the room was dead silent, and my phone went off. Back then, my ringtone was the Stephen Foster classic, "Swanee River". I did the only thing I could - I put on my best indignant "who dares to have his cell phone on while I'm singing" look - but I don't think I fooled anybody.

I think my favorite/most annoying ringtone of all time is the one with the guy shouting in Brooklynese: "Pick up da phone! Pick up da phone! Pick up da phone!" But yours is definitely up there. :)

Posted by: psachya | Sep 9, 2008 3:49:41 PM

Now I can't get that tune out of my head!

Posted by: David Bailey | Sep 9, 2008 5:50:48 PM

My phone now rings with Barak singing Hashem is Here. It used to play Hungarian Rhapsody #1. That was back when both my husband and I had the same phones. One fine day, he picked mine up by mistake. I was home and couldn't figure out where it was, knew the battery wasn't dead, and started calling it--again and again and again--to try to find it in the house. While, in fact, it was in his pocket. And he was at a shiur. Thinking dark thoughts about that other person who was not turning off his phone...

But my favorite was the time I was at the sheitel machor's and heard her phone go off. And the tune was "What Child Is This." The very chareidi sheitel machor didn't know what it was, and had been using a song about the baby Jesus as her cell phone ring for literally years.

Posted by: uberimma | Sep 9, 2008 7:46:43 PM

My phone now rings with Barak singing Hashem is Here. It used to play Hungarian Rhapsody #1. That was back when both my husband and I had the same phones. One fine day, he picked mine up by mistake. I was home and couldn't figure out where it was, knew the battery wasn't dead, and started calling it--again and again and again--to try to find it in the house. While, in fact, it was in his pocket. And he was at a shiur. Thinking dark thoughts about that other person who was not turning off his phone...

But my favorite was the time I was at the sheitel machor's and heard her phone go off. And the tune was "What Child Is This." The very chareidi sheitel machor didn't know what it was, and had been using a song about the baby Jesus as her cell phone ring for literally years.

Posted by: uberimma | Sep 9, 2008 7:49:59 PM

I was on business in a very conservative Arab country once, and stood behind a lady in a bank, covered from head to foot in black. Her phone went off in her hand bag and it was playing "Scotland the brave". I got the giggles.

Posted by: Noa | Sep 9, 2008 9:33:13 PM

Uberimma, it was common practice for hymns to be sung to popular tunes. As far as I know, the original tune was called "Greensleeves" and the lyrics are a lover's plaint to his beloved. More information here.

Posted by: Rahel | Sep 9, 2008 10:01:53 PM

What is that guy singing anyway?

Posted by: Baila | Sep 9, 2008 10:52:47 PM

i love when i'm standing in line (in crowd?) at the meat counter and start hearing "jingle bells" emanate from the bag of a really dati-looking woman. ok, so it's a happy tune...

(i know it's not religious but it is "seasonal" and the associations... well just a little dissonant, that's all!)

Posted by: nikki | Sep 9, 2008 11:33:54 PM

i love when i'm standing in line (in crowd?) at the meat counter and start hearing "jingle bells" emanate from the bag of a really dati-looking woman. ok, so it's a happy tune...

(i know it's not religious but it is "seasonal" and the associations... well just a little dissonant, that's all!)

Posted by: nikki | Sep 9, 2008 11:34:36 PM

Well this post seems to have struck a chord with your readers. :)

You ain't heard nutin' til you've heard the Bollywood version of Hava Nagila.

Posted by: Jennifer | Sep 10, 2008 12:44:48 AM

Man, I just love funky Hindustani music!

"That mad, bad mixmaster, Bally Sagoo, and the hottest Bhangra bands in town, coming soon to a disco in your town!"
Shabash, bhai, shabash!

When's the next mushaira, sham-e ghazal, or Sham-e-Bollywood? It has been too long since the dulcet tones of Mohammed Rafi were heard on the blogs. Barring that, perhaps some dynamite qawwali?

Go here:
Or here:

That latter one is of course a classic of the Sabri Brothers. It too will get you thrown out of the house.

Posted by: The Back of the Hill | Sep 10, 2008 4:47:44 AM

Tunak is a house fave, thanks to my 14-yr-old son... the missus loves it too!

As for me, I have a cd of the Oscar nominee excerpts of "Amelie" I found in a thrift store for a buck or two... staple of my iPod.

Amelie, when I watch it, makes me giddy. I sprung it on my wife and eldest daughter (then about 20) when it was in the theaters. I won major "movie-goer" points for that. We have a copy.

Yet another commonality. Cheers!

Posted by: Wry Mouth | Sep 10, 2008 9:10:10 AM

Bhangra? BOTH, you're pagal - and behind the times.
NOBODY listens to bhangra anymore. Shams, ghazals, nazeems, these are the hottest things in hindoo music. Along with quasi western pop rock in Marathi. Trust me. Would I lie to you?

---Grant Patel

Posted by: Grant Patel | Sep 10, 2008 9:48:20 PM

Bhangra? BOTH, you're pagal - and behind the times.
NOBODY listens to bhangra anymore. Shams, ghazals, nazeems, these are the hottest things in hindoo music. Along with quasi western pop rock in Marathi. Trust me. Would I lie to you?

---Grant Patel

Posted by: Grant Patel | Sep 10, 2008 9:49:03 PM

Bhangra? BOTH, you're pagal - and behind the times.
NOBODY listens to bhangra anymore. Shams, ghazals, nazeems, these are the hottest things in hindoo music. Along with quasi western pop rock in Marathi. Trust me. Would I lie to you?

---Grant Patel

Posted by: Grant Patel | Sep 10, 2008 9:49:08 PM

Bhangra? BOTH, you're pagal - and behind the times.
NOBODY listens to bhangra anymore. Shams, ghazals, nazeems, these are the hottest things in hindoo music. Along with quasi western pop rock in Marathi. Trust me. Would I lie to you?

---Grant Patel

Posted by: Grant Patel | Sep 10, 2008 9:49:14 PM

Bhangra? BOTH, you're pagal - and behind the times.
NOBODY listens to bhangra anymore. Shams, ghazals, nazeems, these are the hottest things in hindoo music. Along with quasi western pop rock in Marathi. Trust me. Would I lie to you?

---Grant Patel

Posted by: Grant Patel | Sep 10, 2008 9:49:20 PM

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